
Supporting The Sustainable Development Goals through the Enhancement of National Literacy and Gastrodiplomacy for Children of Indonesian Migrant Workers at the Sentul Community Learning Center in Kuala Lumpur

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) will carry out the International Community Service with the theme:

“Supporting The Sustainable Development Goals through the Enhancement of National Literacy and Gastrodiplomacy for Children of Indonesian Migrant Workers at the Sentul Community Learning Center in Kuala Lumpur”

This program will be held on 23-26 July 2024 and will be conducted as an collaboration between lecturers and students from:

  1. Department of Communication Science
  2. Department of International Relations
  3. Department of Government Science

Sentul Community Learning Center (CLC) is one of the informal learning institutions under the control of Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL) which was established by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Malaysia.

The CLC is an alternative learning centres for children of Indonesian migrant workers who are not enrolled in formal education because they do not have official documents.

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNIKOM will provide assistance to strengthen literacy related to national insight and gastrodiplomacy knowledge for students at CLC.

(Sumber Informasi : FISIP UNIKOM)

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